Redden Gardens

Welcome to Redden Gardens

We are an allotment garden in Covington, Kentucky's Eastside Neighborhood. Here people rent plots to grow vegetables for themselves and their families.

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Welcome to Redden Gardens

We are an allotment garden in Covington, Kentucky's Eastside Neighborhood. Here people rent plots to grow vegetables for themselves and their families. Not only can you have your own plot to grow vegetables you could join our community and special events.

Our vision: To grow beauty alongside vegetables, people alongside community, and stories alongside knowledge. To create a dedicated green haven for vegetable gardening.

Enter The Garden

  • Other Plants

    Other plants in the garden: There are also many things planted along the outside of the fence. Anyone is able to pick these. Our berry plants, near the 10th street intersection with Scott, will be very good. Also our tomatoes and peppers will be in around July or August. You are also welcome to pick the flowers outside the fence. We just ask that you stick to those that grow many blooms so everyone can enjoy them. This includes the honey bees. If you are unsure how to pick or what plants are edible don’t panic. Please ask someone you see in the garden. They might be able to help you. If not, contact us directly. Spare produce from inside the garden is shared with others. It can be found outside the fence at the giving table. We will put it out when the first major harvest starts. That usually means June but with the summer squash it could be sooner. While waiting for that, check out our Sunflower sharing library for seeds, snacks and books! Remember to ask for a plot before it is too late! /p>

  • Victory Garden:

    Victory Garden: In the past, we have offered a Victory Garden project. This pairs neighborhood mentors with beginning gardeners and at home gardens. Fifteen families/homes are selected for victory gardens. They are given the supplies and materials to build and plant a 4x8 raised bed or a container garden. This will be based on what they like to eat. The mentors will continue to help the gardeners they are paired with. They will help answer their questions. Classes are also offered through the Civic Garden Center. This will not be returning for 2023.

  • Other Gardens

    Other Gardens In addition to our original garden at 909 Scott, we help with a smaller community garden in Goebel Park. This park is near the pollinator garden in the northwest corner of the park. We also help with a heritage demonstration garden behind the Behringer Crawford Museum in Devou Park, in the NaturePlay@BCM.